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Need Batch Size Versatility
AdmixJanuary 29, 20201 min read

Need Batch Size Versatility?

Need Batch Size Versatility - Blog - Admix

You’re not alone! We are often asked to recommend a mixing equipment solution for making both large and small batches in a single tank. We recently helped a co-packer who was manufacturing a variety of products where the volume requirement for each product was different. Because of this, they had to make different size batches to accommodate their customers.

While in the design phase for a new tank build, they came to Admix looking for the right mixing equipment. Our recommendation was the Admix bottom mounted Flowshear. With its unique mixing head design, it provides high shear and superior flow, all while allowing for the ability to make both large and small batches in a single tank. And, because the Flowshear is bottom mounted, it would result in a substantial reduction in air entrainment, which was crucial for their customers’ products. The Flowshear mixer was the perfect solution because its design provides maximum versatility to meet demanding processing needs.

The co-packer had a 500-gallon (1892 liter) tank built with scrapers, counter rotating mixer, and added the bottom mounted Flowshear mixer because they loved its design and flexibility. They were thrilled with the results! It was no surprise that a month later, they came back to Admix for another Flowshear mixer for a 2nd tank with the same set up, only this time it was a 1,000-gallon  (3785 liter) tank!

What sets us apart is our technical expertise and optimized mixer designs.