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Meat & Poultry Series: Reducing Entrained Air - Blog - Admix

Written by Admix | May 8, 2018

Reducing entrained air in your brine and marinade is key to maintaining quality product that is consistent. In an earlier issue, we talked about ways to do that in piping connections.

Something that we see in many meat and poultry plants is customers recirculating brine and marinade and transferring it to hold tanks with little regard for foaming. Most of the tanks being made out there that are being used in the industry have a simple tri-clamp connection on the top of the tank for the inlet flow. For years, in the dairy industry, a pipe called a “no-foam inlet” has been used as a liquid inlet. It is above the liquid level, close to the sidewall and thus the returning / incoming fluid hits the sidewall and runs down the side to the liquid surface. When done correctly, it eliminates splashing and reduces entrained air.