News and Blog - Admix

Why Admix? - Admix

Written by Admix | September 23, 2020

We love that our customers keep coming back for new mixers for their new projects. But if you haven’t worked with us before, you might ask, “Why Admix?” In addition to our wide range of mixing equipment, many years of experience and great customer service, the real answer is what buying Admix equipment can do for your bottom-line profits.

By utilizing Admix mixing technology in their processes, our customers have experienced:

  • Batch time reductions of 50-80%
  • Energy consumption reductions of 40-70%
  • Water consumption reductions of 30-60%
  • Yield increases of 25-35%
  • Mixer maintenance cost reductions of up to 90%
  • Eliminated, or greatly reduced, down time for mixer maintenance
  • Eliminated down time due to clogged strainers/filters
  • Eliminated operator injuries from dumping bags of powders
  • Reduced CIP frequency
  • Increased speed to market of new products

Reach out to us to review your processes and find out what you too can achieve with Admix! We’d love to help you increase your bottom-line profits.